viernes, 5 de julio de 2019


Trough this blogs writting exercises I have learnt two main things, first; improving of my english grammar and second  I have learnt to express my ideas in another languaje.
 At the beggining it was a little bit hard because I had never written so many words in English at once and inspite of this, I had been able to improve and exercise  more and more these English writting.
Also I took it for granted that this exercise was not that important, but then I realised it was very important and usefull, because it make my practice, correct and inprove my spelling, grammar and vocabulary in English.
The topics have been usefull, because they made me  learnt more about my classmates, their thoughts and feelings, as well as my teacher´s.
The negative aspect; was the issue of having too short time to practice and interact in this way ( 1 hour each time ). I wish we could have had more time.
Maybe the most relevant improvement is asociated with the exercise of reading my classmates opinions and having an accurate fedback of their thoughts, feelings and opinions in regards with different subjets and also with this kind of topics writtings exercises, I realised how important is to learn another languaje expressing my own feelings and thoughts.